[Checkers] Eclipse plug-in for running pluggable type-checkers

Mahmood Ali mahmood at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 19 20:30:06 EDT 2008

> Mahmood is removing all dependences on JDK 6 from the checkers  
> (eliminating
> use of the Dequeue class, commenting out a few @Override annotations).
> This should let him run your plug-in, because Eclipse on the Mac  
> runs under
> a JDK 5, not a JDK 6, JVM.  Then he'll get back to you about the  
> plug-in.

Sorry, I just got a chance to review the plug-in today.  Apparently,  
we don't need to downgrade to java 5, as the plug-in does spawn a new  
process for compilation.

I will send another email detailing my experience soon.

- Mahmood

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