[JSR308] Use of @Target meta-annotation

Maxim Kizub mkizub at gmail.com
Sat May 19 13:42:53 EDT 2007


First, I have a question.
Do we have any example, where an annotation is applicable only to the 
type of a declaration, but not to the declared node itself?

I guess - there are no such examples. For the following reason - the 
type of the declared entity is also a kind of annotation (meta-data).
The type is not really needed, it's a constraint or a hint. Many 
languages use type inferring and omit types declaration in many places.
A property (constraint or hint) for the type is always the same property 
of the declared element.

@Target(TYPE) is mostly meaningless, because it will mean that the 
annotation may be used for fields, methods, variables - mostly
all elements. The only rare case for a separate @Target(TYPE) are 
expressions, i.e. when the annotation may be declared on expressions,
but not on declarations. The best usage of @Target(TYPE) which I can 
imagine - to mark those annotations which we want to
store in type signatures.

It's semantically the same to declare
@NotNull String s;
String<@NotNull> s;
and it's true for all type annotations. The only syntactical difference 
are cases with multi-type ambiguous declarations, like

@Foo int i, iarr[]; // @Foo applies to 'int' , i.e. "Foo int & 
int[@Foo]" or to declarations, i.e. "@Foo int & @Foo int[]" ?
@Foo Object o, oarr[];

If @Foo is something like @positive, then one would expect that we 
declare "@positive int i" and "int[@positive] iarr".
But if @Foo is something like @Readonly, then one will be in doubt if we 
declare "Array<Object<@Readonly>> oarr" or
"Array<@Readonly; Object> oarr" (read-only are elements of the array or 
the reference to the array).

Usage of annotations in expressions also may require specification 
outside of declaration, like
new List<@NonEmpty; String>("head", "tail");

Another possible usage are java extensions, like MultiJava, which uses 
multi-type method formal parameters, like
boolean equals(String:Object value)
to specify separately dispatch type and method signature.

Finally, unambiguous simple syntax will be helpful for code generators, 
which shell not think of how to generate
type annotations in different syntax positions.

For these cases, i.e. for ambiguous or auto-generated declarations or 
for expressions, we need a per-type
annotation syntax.

For unambiguous declarations we may allow to use both @NotNull String s; 
and String<@NotNull> s;
as equivalent constructs, and annotation processor shell take care of 
it. The reason is simple - if we'll
change @Target from FIELD or LOCAL_VARIABLE to @Target(TYPE) - we don't 
want the
programmer to change all declarations in the code which happen to use 
this annotation.

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