[JSR308] Concurrency annotations on blocks

Tom Ball Tom.Ball at Sun.COM
Fri Feb 2 23:38:54 EST 2007

Intel's comment with their vote intrigued me:  that annotations on 
blocks and loops might be useful for specifying atomicity/concurrency 
assertions.  I believe most Java programmers don't have a full grasp of 
concurrency issues, and am interested in any thoughts this group might 
have regarding concurrency assertion ideas and what their annotations 
might look like.  We can start with the ones in Java Concurrency in 
Practice, since I doubt anyone would argue as to their importance.

Perhaps the best way past our logjam (uh oh, I may get spanked again ;-) 
is to come up with a conceptual set of cool assertion checkers whose 
annotations can't be placed (or can't be placed optimally), and then 
figure out how to remove those obstacles.  For me, the reward from 
working on JSRs isn't have fat specs published (and I doubt it is for 
anyone else), but their enabling of better technologies.  Having a new 
set of assertion checkers waiting to be written once this JSR is done is 
a strong motivator and focuser for me.


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