[JSR308] Question regarding -XDTA:spacesincomments

Jesper Tärnvik jesper.tarnvik at pricer.com
Fri Jun 26 06:53:51 EDT 2009



After having followed this mailing list since JavaOne I realize that this question might not be of the normal complexity discussed on the list, so if I should direct my question elsewhere please direct me to that list or forum.


After having attended the presentation regarding JSR-308 at JavaOne I am fairly eager trying to start using the compiler on parts of our server project.  Since I need to keep using Java 6 for release builds I am forced to use the "Annotations in Comments" way of annotating my project. Also due to historical reasons I would like to keep the formatting rules and conventions already in use in our development team, so I would like to use the -XDTA:spacesincomments compiler switch to enable me to keep my eclipse formatting rules, but I am unable to get it to work.


This smallish test exemplifies my problems:


public class JSRTest1 {

   public/* @Nullable */String returnNullString(String mightBeNull) {

      if (mightBeNull == null) {

         return null;


      return "";





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<project name="R3Server" default="jsr308" basedir=".">

           <property environment="env" />

           <property name="basedir" value="." />


           <property name="build.home.jsr" value="${basedir}/build.jsr/R3Server" />

           <property name="src.home" value="${basedir}" />


           <target name="jsr308" description="Compile Java sources to class files"  >

                      <property name="jsr308.path" value="C:\work\Software\trunk\R3Server\tools\jsr308-checkers-0.9.3\checkers" />

                      <delete dir="${build.home.jsr}" />

                      <mkdir dir="${build.home.jsr}" />

                      <javac destdir="${build.home.jsr}" 



                                 <compilerarg value="-version"/>

                                 <compilerarg line="-XDTA:spacesincomments"/>

                                 <compilerarg line="-target 6"/>

                                 <compilerarg line="-processor checkers.nullness.NullnessChecker"/>

                                 <src path="${src.home}/src" />

                                 <include name="**/*.java" />


                                            <pathelement location="${jsr308.path}/checkers.jar" />






Buildfile: build.xml



   [delete] Deleting directory c:\DevTools\workspace-ganymede\JSRTest\build.jsr\R3Server

    [mkdir] Created dir: c:\DevTools\workspace-ganymede\JSRTest\build.jsr\R3Server

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to c:\DevTools\workspace-ganymede\JSRTest\build.jsr\R3Server

    [javac] javac 1.7.0-jsr308-0.9.3

    [javac] c:\DevTools\workspace-ganymede\JSRTest\src\JSRTest1.java:4: incompatible types.

    [javac]          return null;

    [javac]                 ^

    [javac]   found   : @Nullable <nulltype>

    [javac]   required: @NonNull String

    [javac] 1 error



c:\DevTools\workspace-ganymede\JSRTest\build.xml:15: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.


Removing the spaces in the annotation makes the class compile without any errors. Things that doesn't seem to matter is changing the <compilerarg line ...> to <compilerarg value...>


Any help appreciated.


I am using JSR 308 version 0.9.3 by the way.


Jesper Tärnvik
Senior Software Developer
Pricer AB, Bergkällavägen 20-22, 192 79 Sollentuna, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 5055 8251, cell: +46 708-10 80 51 
jesper.tarnvik at pricer.com <mailto:jesper.tarnvik at pricer.com>  www.pricer.com <file:///\\exchweb\bin\redir.asp?URL=http://www.pricer.com/> 
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