[JSR308] Release 0.7.9 of JSR 308 javac, Checker Framework, and checkers

Mahmood Ali mahmood at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 19 19:10:50 EDT 2008

We have released version 0.7.9 of the JSR 308 implementation and of  
the Checker Framework.  You can always download the latest version of  
these tools at: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/ .

The JSR 308 implementation is a backward-compatible extension to  
javac. The Checker Framework makes it easy to write a tool that finds  
or prevents errors; the tool is expressed as a type-checker for a  
pluggable type system.  The Checker Framework distribution includes  
sample checkers.

This release includes support for a stub file format for annotating  
libraries, the source of which is not available.  It includes many  
fixes for bugs related to anonymous classes and qualifier  
polymorphism, some of which caused crashing failures.  It includes a  
fix for a bug causing IGJ tests to fail on Windows (and Cygwin).

     - Mahmood

---- Changelog for JSR 308 implementation -----
Version 0.7.9, 19 Sep 2008

No changes for this release

---- Changelog for Checker Framework ----
Version 0.7.9, 19 Sep 2009

   Added support for stub files/classes
   Fixed bugs related to anonymous classes
   Fixed bugs related to qualifier polymorphism

   Updated 'Annotating Libraries' section to describe stub files

   Added support for Windows
   Fixed a bug causing IGJ tests to fail on Windows

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