[JSR308] New releases of the JSR 308 implementation and checkers

Mahmood Ali mahmood at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 6 12:53:55 EDT 2008

We have released version 0.6.3 of the JSR 308 prototype implementation,
five type checkers for finding and preventing errors, and a framework
for writing your own checkers.

The JSR 308 prototype implementation is available at:

This release is primarily updating the compiler to latest OpenJDK  
compiler b28.

The type checkers we have built and the framework for writing your own
checkers are available at:

The checkers distribution contains five type checkers:
  * for null pointer errors
  * for equality testing (interning) errors
  * for mutability errors (incorrect side effects), based on IGJ
  * for mutability errors, based on Javari
  * for any type system with no special semantics, checking annotations
specified by the user on the command-line

This release includes enhancements and bug fixes in the framework and  

Installation instructions, changelogs, and documentation are included
in the distributions and are also available on the web at:

- Mahmood

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