[JSR308] Implicit annotations with values
Mahmood Ali
mahmood at MIT.EDU
Sat Jul 5 01:35:43 EDT 2008
Hi Artemus,
> My plan is to use the InnerUnique annotation denote what inner
> elements are unique. This seems like the best way to handle
> conditional uniqueness. If you can think of a better way to describe
> such conditional properties that would be helpful.
If I understand you correctly, the framework tries to provide two
mechanisms to do that:
- Polymorphism over generics -- interaction between qualified types
and generics
- qualifier polymorphism -- having a polymorphic qualifier (see
manual 2.5).
The first mechanism is enabled by default to all checkers. A type
argument in a parameterized type can be an annotated type. At first
look it seems to me that this suffices to solve the problem with
List.add and List.get situations.
I don't know much about the subtyping relations for Unique (i.e. I
would use three qualifiers: Unique, Aliased, PossiblyUnique - which is
the root qualifier); so I would give examples of the Interned type
internedString and nonInternedString have the obvious declaration
> List<@Interned String> internedStrings = createNewList();
> internedStrings.add(internedString); // valid
> String s1 = internedString.get(0);
> @Interned String s2 = internedString.get(0);
> internedStrings.add(nonInternedString); // invalid
In the other hand:
> List<@Interned String> unInternedStrings = createNewList();
> unInternedStrings.add(internedString); // valid
> unInternedStrings.add(unInternedStrings); // valid
> String s1 = internedString.get(0); // valid
> @Interned String s2 = unInternedStrings.get(0); // invalid
I assume that this is sufficient for your type system too.
The second mechanism is enabled by the user, through declaring a
qualifier a polymorphic qualifier. Please review section 2.5. The
basic idea is that you can have a PolyUnique qualifier to support
polymorphism for non-generic methods. So you would have a method like:
> @PolyUnique String identity(@PolyUnique String s) { return s; } //
> a trivial example
> String s1 = identity(uniqueString); // valid
> @Unique String s2 = identity(aliasedString); // invalid
I hope that this helpful.
> Although TreeUtils.assignmentContext(parentNode) will get most
> cases, it won't get chained method calls.
This was partially conscious decision, following Java type inference
for generic types. For example:
> List<String> l1 = Collections.emptyList(); // valid
> Iterator<String> iter1 =
> Collections.<String>emptyList().iterator(); // valid
> Iterator<String> iter2 = Collections.emptyList().iterator(); //
> invalid
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