[JSR308] JSR 308 documents and tools released

Michael Ernst mernst at csail.mit.edu
Thu Jul 5 21:37:31 EDT 2007

We have released new versions of the JSR 308 working document ("the
proposal"), the JSR 308 prototype implementation ("the compiler"), and the
checkers framework ("the plug-ins").  You can find these at the JSR 308
webpage:  http://pag.csail.mit.edu/jsr308/

Full changelogs are available for each of the three projects, but here are
some highlights.

The proposal adds some ideas about arrays.

The compiler is now based on OpenJDK 7.

The checkers framework has many improvements, the nonnull checker is
improved (for example, it is now flow-sensitive), and a second checker, for
the Javari "@Readonly" annotation, is distributed.

                    -Michael Ernst
                     mernst at csail.mit.edu

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