[JSR308] annotations on expressions and literal values

Eugene Kuleshov eu at javatx.org
Wed Jan 31 15:03:48 EST 2007

Michael Ernst wrote:
>> Object result = engine.eval(
>>     "fib(num);" +
>>     "function fib(n) {" +
>>     "  if(n <= 1) return n; " +
>>     "  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); " +
>>     "};" @Script("JavaScript"),
>>     bindings);
> Annotations on types already permit this this using a cast:
> Object result = engine.eval(
>     (@Script("JavaScript") String)       // <--- this is the cast
>     "fib(num);" +
>     "function fib(n) {" +
>     "  if(n <= 1) return n; " +
>     "  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); " +
>     "};",
>     bindings);
> One advantage of the cast syntax is that it does not introduce new syntax.
  That makes sense, though cast on String value is somehow redundant in 
this case, because we already have type-safe construct.

  On the other hand, it seems like its presentation in the bytecode is 


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