[Checkers] Class file format for wildcard bounds

Mahmood Ali mahmood at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 29 11:07:05 EST 2009


> Do we have a story on the class file format for wildcard bounds?   
> Can you
> fill in the empty section that I just added, with at least a  
> description of
> what the compiler currently does?
We don't have a story for wildcards bounds now.  The compiler doesn't  
emit the annotations on wildcard bounds, as far as I know.

It was proposed that we have the wildcard bound reference_info as the  

     // describes which bound of the wildcard it is
     u1 bound_index;
     // describes the location of wildcard as if it is an annotation
     u1 target_type_index;
     reference_info wildcard_location;
   } reference_info;

Also, since we included annotations on type parameters, are we to  
include annotations on wildcards (i.e. List<@NonNull ?>)?  If so, I  
propose the same earlier specification but without bound_index.


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