[Checkers] Class file format for wildcard bounds

Michael Ernst mernst at cs.washington.edu
Tue Feb 3 19:50:43 EST 2009


Thanks for updating the design document.  I have a few questions.

> It was proposed that we have the wildcard bound reference_info as the  
> following:
>    {
>      // describes which bound of the wildcard it is
>      u1 bound_index;

Is this the same as the

        u1 wildcard_location_type;   // the location tag of the wildcard

from design.tex?  I confess I don't understand that -- what is a "location
tag", for example, and what are its possible values?  Could you expand a

>      // describes the location of wildcard as if it is an annotation
>      u1 target_type_index;
>      reference_info wildcard_location;
>    } reference_info;

What does "as if it is an annotation" mean here?  Perhaps it is simple, but
I am not seeing the analogy to annotations, unless you simply mean "as in
Section 4.3".  Again, can you clarify?

> Also, since we included annotations on type parameters, are we to  
> include annotations on wildcards (i.e. List<@NonNull ?>)?  If so, I  
> propose the same earlier specification but without bound_index.

I hadn't thought about this before.  That makes sense to me.  Can you add



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