[Checkers] Compiler annotations output
Mahmood Ali
mahmood at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 2 13:33:04 EDT 2008
On Jul 2, 2008, at 10:01 AM, Michael Ernst wrote:
>> For some reason, now section 4.1 makes a bit [more] sense for me ...
> Great. If you have suggestions regarding how it could be further
> improved
> (or whether some commentary elsewhere in the document would be
> useful),
> please let me know.
The document is written in the specification format, and not in the
instructive/tutorial/guide style. I assume that through me off a
bit. The major difficulty for me the first times I read the proposals
was understanding why we needed those fields. Now that I worked with
the compiler for a bit and been thinking about the problem, I see
what's going on.
Here are my general comments about section 4:
4 Class file format extensions
- the sections intermixed the proposed changes along with what the
current specification is. I found it to be a bit confusing. I don't
think that separating them is necessary better.
* I might prefer a link to the current specifications with
attributions rather than linking to Blo04 and LY. LY is not available
yet, and Blo04 link does seem to contain the technical information
necessary to understand the new changes.
* Example of the undesired intermix is the sentance 'Class files
already store annotations in the form of “attributes”' in the second
paragraph. Attributes are defined only a paragraph later. The
attribution point doesn't serve much purpose here in my opinion.
- I assume is evident that Runtime[In]visibleTypeAnnotations for
annotation is associated with the most enclosing program element
(class, field, or method). I didn't get piece of information the
first few times I read it.
- second paragraph mentions local fields but not method parameters.
Are these stored? If so, Are these kept along with the method symbols
and how the target of the annotation is identified if are stored with
the method symbol? Why aren't using them to store annotations for
method parameter generic types? If not, maybe we can say something
about that.
- The second to last paragraph (right before the TODO item) explains
the new needed structures (e.g. field_info) without explaining their
purpose. A possible suggestion is having the second sentence saying
something like "
- References to JVMS3 just threw me off. I couldn't find any online
document regarding it and it took me awhile later to see that it's the
LY 'to appear' reference. It might be nice to reference JVMS2 when
referred sections are already there.
- In the section as whole, it's not clear what an annotation is
targetting. In instances we say that an annotation is target a
program element. In my understanding program elements are symbols
(like class, method, variables, fields) not expressions or types. Are
generic/arrays targets program elements in your definition? What
about typecasts and expressions?
4.1 The extended_annotation structure
- target_type and reference_info comments weren't helpful. Both said
'new in JSR 308: where the annotation appears'. I would rather have
extended_annotation declared as follows:
extended_annotation {
// original fields from 'annotation'
u2 type_index;
u2 num_element_value_pairs;
u2 element_name_index;
element_value value;
} element_value_pairs[num_element_value_pairs];
// new fields in JSR 308
u1 target_type; // the type of the targeted program element
} reference_info; // field to uniquely identify the target
4.1.1 The target_type field
- the same issue about the target for the annotation.
4.1.2 The reference_info field
- It might be nice for it to say something along the lines of:
reference_info is a structure contains enough information to uniquely
identify the target of the annotations. Each value of target_type may
require different set of fields. The describtion is as follows:
- Mahmood
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