[Checkers] Various Notes Part 2: Type System IGJ

Yoav Zibin yoav.zibin at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 17:10:20 EDT 2008

Two comments:

4) About:
interface UnaryOp<Return, Param> {
   * Apply the unary operator to the parameter
   * @return the result of the operation
  public Return apply(Param param);

In this case, @ReadOnly UnaryOp<@Mutable Date> is not a subtype of @ReadOnly
UnaryOp<@ReadOnly Date>.

*Read in the IGJ paper the section about erased-method signature and the
example with Comparable.compareTo(T t)

5) Can you give an example of your problem with the visitor pattern?
I didn't understand your problem (so of course I couldn't understand the
solution :)

finally, I'm leaving Boston tomorrow morning because things didn't work out
with the girl I came to see (Lily).
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to meet neither Mahmood nor Mike :(

Best regards,

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Mahmood Ali <mahmood at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi again,
> Here is my second part in the two-part series.
> 1. Support for Arrays is essential
> Personally, I was surprised by the usage of arrays in almost all case
> studies I have done yet!
> ==========================================
> 2. I don't like AssignsFields nor any annotation like it (is Raw
> annotation like it?)
> Type Qualifiers on method receivers have multiple meanings:
> * Documenting the side effect of the method. (e.g. Mutable, ReadOnly in
> IGJ and Javari)
> * Restrict the types on which the method can be dispatched (e.g. Mutable,
> ReadOnly, and Interned, etc)
> Simply put, the type qualifier provides an documented interface for
> *using* the method.
> AssignsFields does not quite do that.  It does not provide an provide an
> interface (for an outside class it is treated as Mutable).  It simply means
> 'constructor can call this method safely', which is an implementation
> detail, and it impacts how the method is implemented and how any overrider
> method can be implemented!
> While the programmer can easily deal with the raised issues, the solutions
> are not elegant.
> : Lesson learnt: Never annotate an interface method receiver as
> AssignsFields! Be careful with abstract classes!
> By tomorrow I will have an estimate how AssignsFields is actually
> impacting the implementation!
> ==========================================
> 3. Projects have different philosophies
> In most of the projects, imperative programming style dominated the style;
> but with a few there were some functional style too.  However there is no
> much overlap between them.  In many of the case studies I found almost no
> @Immutable annotation (like JOlden, JavaCrond), while others like functor2
> (library for functional programming, with lot of immutable java.util.Map and
> functional mappers and reducers) is basically all @Immutable references!
> Furthermore, most classes I dealt with did not represent datatypes, but
> rather they were "service" classes, like java.io classes, connectivity
> classes, diff creation classes, database classes, etc.
> Even some datatype classes are actually service classes.
> java.sql.ResultSet for example, is a datatype to wrap the result received
> from database statement call.  Yet it actually represents a live connection
> to the database with a close().  In a sense you can never have an immutable
> result set, because at any point the creator statement closes which would
> close the result set and then all the sudden the values in ResultSet are not
> there anymore!  Similarly all the updator methods are updating the back-end
> database.
> I don't necessary consider this as weakness in the IGJ type system, but
> rather an indication of a bad design!
> ==========================================
> 4. Allowing type argument qualifiers to change covariantly for collection
> is not general.
> IGJ allows type qualifiers to change covariantly in type arguments for
> collections:
>   @Mutable List<@Mutable Date>  <:  @ReadOnly List<@ReadOnly Date>
> However, this rule is not constitute a general sound rule.  Consider an
> interface wrapping a unary operation (method with one parameter).  The
> interface may be defined as:
> interface UnaryOp<Return, Param> {
>   /**
>    * Apply the unary operator to the parameter
>    * @return the result of the operation
>    */
>   public Return apply(Param param);
> }
> In this case, @ReadOnly UnaryOp<@Mutable Date> is not a subtype of
> @ReadOnly UnaryOp<@ReadOnly Date>.
> I only saw this style of programming in functor2, I haven't tried to deal
> with this quite yet.
> ==========================================
> 5. We might like to consider allowing '@I' be a method receiver
> Motivation: visitor and call-back currently cannot really be immutable.
> Problem: Currently, I can either annotate visitor method receivers with
> Mutable or ReadOnly.  If I annotate them as Mutable, I cannot have an
> immutable visitor; and I annotate them as ReadOnly I cannot have a mutable
> visitor or I would need to use a lot of hacks using Mutable and Assignable
> fields
> Proposed solution:
> For documentation purposes, '@I' as method receiver within *interfaces*,
> means that this method may mutate or not depending on the immutability of
> the subclasses; however, it does not say anything regarding its
> invocation-ability (is this a word?)
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