[Checkers] Commented imports in JSR 308 checker

Mahmood Ali mahmood at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 20 18:11:48 EDT 2008

Have we done anything regarding this?

- Mahmood

On Mar 19, 2008, at 4:22 AM, Michael Ernst wrote:

> Matt-
> Right now, the JSR 308 compiler treats comments of the form
>  /*@Interned*/
> as if the contained text was actually present.
> Can you also do this for comments of the form
>  /*import checkers.quals.*;*/
> ?  (It would be good enough for me if this only worked for comments  
> that
> started with "import checkers.quals.".)
> Without this feature, a programmer has to either change the code  
> every time
> he wants to run the checker (a major pain), or else add the checkers
> jarfile to his classpath for all compilations (which the FreePastry
> developers are reluctant to do).
> You migth have already told me why this is inconvenient/difficult,  
> but I
> can't remember the answer.
> I'm open to alternatives, though I don't have any good suggestions  
> offhand.
> One possibility is a command-line option indicating an implicit import
> statement that should be applied to all files being compiled.
>                     Thanks,
>                    -Mike
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